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UDC  658.589:339.9-044.922

Candidate of Economic Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor,
Associate Professor at the Department of Management of Innovation and Investment Activity,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
Volodymyrska str., 60, Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine

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Candidate of Economic Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate professor,
Associate Professor at the department of corporate finance and controlling,
State University “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”
Prospekt Peremohy, 54/1, Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine

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Background. In modern conditions of globalization integration processes, innovative factors are emerging that affect the competitiveness of a country, the efficiency of its econo­my, ensure its economic and energy security and increase the socio-economic well-being of the population, which is the key to stable long-term future development.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. Research related to the problems of innovative activity of an enterprise has a long history. However, the problems of the develop­ment and implementation of innovative performance programs in the context of globalization transformations are not fully disclosed. Little attention is paid by researchers to the methods of managing innovations in the knowledge economy.
The aim of the article is to study the main trends in the innovative activity development of Ukrainian enterprises and to identify areas and promising tools to stimulate innovative activity in the context of globalization transformations.
Materials and methods. The information base of the research is presented by works of foreign and domestic scientists on the issue of managing the innovative development, the global rating data of Ukraine among countries of the world in terms of competitiveness in the field of innovation, as well as statistical data on the innovation activities of Ukrainian enter­prises. The survey is carried out using both general scientific methods of cognition of econo­mic phenomena and processes, as well as special methods of research, in particular, analysis, synthesis, systematization, theoretical generalization and comparison, statistical analysis, structural analysis, method of expert estimation and forecasting.
Results. The study of the state of national enterprises’ innovative activity as well as the main trends and the funding source structure of innovative activity revealed a considerable lag in the development of knowledge-intensive industries in the national economy as compa­red with developed and neighboring countries. The main indicators of negative trends in the development of innovation activities in Ukraine were: reduction in the number of enterprises engaged in innovation activities; reducing the total cost of research and development; redu­cing the number of innovative products developed; reduction of the intellectual potential of Ukraine.
Conclusion. The implementation and revitalization of the company’s innovative activity is the basis of a stable and competitive economy in the context of globalization transformations and increased competition in the world. In order to overcome the consequences of the innovation activities crisis of national enterprises, the necessity of implementing the following main measures is substantiated: improving the regulatory and legal framework for innovative activity; financial incentives for enhancing innovation processes; improvement and expansion of innovation infrastructure; protection of intellectual property rights in the sphere of innovations; strengthening the relationship between science and industry; proper information support in balancing the supply and demand for innovative developments.

Keywords: innovation, innovative activity, competitiveness, intellectual potential, globalization processes, globalization transformation, knowledge economy.


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